Payment & financial choices.
When you make any decision regarding dental treatment, it is important that you understand the financial decision you are making at the same time. We are committed to fully informing every patient every time of their financial responsibility prior to treatment.
Your dental treatment is important to your health. We always welcome questions you have about dental care and the costs of care. We are committed to you and to the treatment and payment option that is right for you. If you have questions or concerns about your payment options, please do not hesitate to ask our office staff.
For your convenience, our office accepts cash, personal checks, and Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or Care Credit for services.

You are responsible for the cost of treatment provided in our office.
- To support your financial responsibility, a cost estimate can be provided for you prior to receiving your dental treatment.
If you have a dental plan, we will work with you to understand your anticipated benefits as they apply to your treatment choices.
- We will help you determine how your plan reimbursement will affect your payment to our office for dental services, including reimbursement method, levels of coverage, co-payments, deductibles, limits, and services not covered.
Your payment to our office is due on the day of service unless you have a dental plan.
- For treatment that is completed in a single appointment, the full amount of your payment is due on the day of the appointment.
- For treatment that requires multiple appointments, we will inform you of the payment amount that is due at each visit.
- Payments can be made by cash, check, debit card, Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or Care Credit.
- When extensive dental treatment is planned, you can facilitate financial arrangements with a third-party dental finance company, such as Care Credit.
Questions about your financial options?